Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Mary Poppins Birthday Party

For my daughter's second birthday, we decided on a Mary Poppins theme. Mary Poppins is one of my favourite movie musicals and by the time we decided the theme, we didn't know what her favourite things were yet. 

As usual grandma made the Jolly Holiday costume for Mary and Bert for the kids. We had a lot of drama with Bert's costume which was stolen from our mail box the week before the party. Luckily the thief returned it (all opened) after realising it wasn't valuable to him/her. So my son ended up being able to wear Bert's costume, complete with a blue bow tie, wooden cane and straw hat on the party. Mary's dress was made out of wedding dress material with beads, very very pretty and something I will never get rid of. She also wore silver (not white) shoes that grandma bought and a white hat decorated with material of the dress and I bought her a white lace umbrella. How lucky is she?

My husband and I also dressed up as Mary and Bert.

Mary and Bert

Mary and Bert in Action

I made a pop corn cart out of a baby change table and red and white wrapping paper and cardboard. I happened to have a white stick in the garage, which I used as the pole to support the roof. It was fun making this and seeing the result.We had Jelly Bellies, pop corn and marshmallows, lollies, jellies, and cotton candies in the cart. The cart was a success with the kids.

Pop Corn Cart

Pop Corn and marshmallows

Decoration was red and white theme with red and white balloons. I had "It's a Jolly Holiday" and "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" signs in some places and cut out penguins. Bert drew some pictures on the garden floor with chalk and the kids had fun drawing too during the party.

Bert Drawing with Chalk

Now the cake... again I had to make it again because of my son's allergies. I always use a chocolate mud cake, which tastes alright gluten, dairy, egg, and nut free (even for the ones with no allergies), and is easy to decorate. I used fondant to decorate. The cake is of the Jolly Holiday scene with orange base for autumn leaves instead of green base (because I didn't want another green cake). It has a pond  with turtles, a deer, penguins, birds, and a bridge that Mary and Bert crossed. I bought a wedding statue and painted the statue like Mary and Bert (a lot easier than making Mary and Bert out of fondant). Loved the cake... I think my favourite so far out of the ones I've made.


Mary Poppins Cake
As party favours, I bought some pop corn boxes and filled it with a packet of pop corn (of course!), some lollies in the shape of necklaces, bracelets, watches, and lollipops. For the girls I also made necklaces with colourful beads and a Carousel horse pendant that I found on eBay  For the boys I also included some chalks. 

Party Favours with a Mary Poppins Mug and Snow Globe
I had a great fun planning this one, and it will be my last one that I plan for her. She can choose what she wants next year as she should be old enough to pick her favourite theme.

Maries and Berts   


Mary and Bert Having Fun

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